Working during infusions with IV Hoody

Warmth & Productivity

Navigating the challenging world of medical treatments like chemotherapy, dialysis, or hydration therapy can be a daunting experience. Ensuring comfort and warmth during these procedures is essential for patients' well-being. That's where the IV Hoody comes in! With its innovative design and convenient features, this patent-pending product promises to brighten your treatment days. 


  1. The Magic of Unzippable Sleeves: The IV Hoody's unique, unzippable sleeves are perfect for patients undergoing intravenous treatments. No need to worry about removing clothing or struggling with IV tubes - just unzip the arm and let the double zippers securely close around the tubes. This clever feature allows you to keep warm without hindering your treatment.

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IV Hoody founder showing off the flames in the arm lining - wearing Embers in Coal IV Hoody.  She is ready to add some heat packs to get warm and cozy for her Ozone treatment.

Why do patients need IV Hoody?

But why do you need an IV Hoody in the first place? Let's break it down:


  1. Medical offices are cold.
  2. Cold fluids drip into a 98-degree body.
  3. Patients going through IV medical treatments get cold faster.
  4. You need your energy to heal!
  5. You want to move around during treatments without fussing with heating pads and blankets!


IV Hoody Solution:

  • Arms zip around IV tubes.
  • Heat packs in the arm lining.
  • Targeted heat to warm the IV fluids.
  • Add a hood and a pop of color.
  • IV Hoody is a jacket that you can wear before, during, and after treatment and don't have to remove a thing!

No need to suffer through treatments, with IV Hoody, you can Drip in Warmth & Comfort!

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Why is Full Arm Access So Important?

Why is Full Arm Access So Important?

When creating IV Hoody, it was important to create a product that allowed any medical staff easy access to a patient’s entire arm. Typically, a patient would have to roll up their sleeves, or even remove clothing that would otherwise obstruct the point of access. This can be difficult if the patient is elderly, disabled, in pain, or uncomfortable. 
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Why Does Chemotherapy Give You The Chills?

Why Does Chemotherapy Give You The Chills?

Many cancer patients experience cold temperatures more intensely than healthy patients.  There are a few reasons for this biological response to treatments and cancer.  IV Hoody adds some much needed warmth and comfort for those who need it the most.  If you’re thinking about ways to comfort someone with cancer or are building a cancer care package for your loved one, we recommend giving them an IV Hoody.
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