5 Reasons Why IV Hoody Saves Time, Improves Patient Experience, and Increases Revenue for Medical Clinics

5 Reasons Why IV Hoody Saves Time, Improves Patient Experience, and Increases Revenue for Medical Clinics

IV Hoody was created to enhance the patient experience and to also help those who care for patients themselves. Patient comfort is one of the key factors that can alter a patient's willingness to comply with treatment recommendations. Check out these are just 5 reasons why medical clinics love implementing IV Hoody.

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Why Does Chemotherapy Give You The Chills?

Why Does Chemotherapy Give You The Chills?

Many cancer patients experience cold temperatures more intensely than healthy patients.  There are a few reasons for this biological response to treatments and cancer.  IV Hoody adds some much needed warmth and comfort for those who need it the most.  If you’re thinking about ways to comfort someone with cancer or are building a cancer care package for your loved one, we recommend giving them an IV Hoody.
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IV Hoody Features

Comfort is Important for those that Require an IV - Increase Comfort & Style with the IV Hoody

The IV Hoody is becoming increasingly popular in hospitals and medical settings as they offer a way to keep patients warm while receiving treatments. The IV Hoody is not only comfortable but is a great option for those who feel cold during their treatment.
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